Northern Appliance Repair Services

Northern Appliance Repair Services located in Barrie, ON offers Appliance Repair, Microwave Repair, Stove Repair, Refrigerator Repair, Dishwasher Repair, Dryer Repair and 24/7 Emergency Service.

Northern Appliance Repair Services
80 Bryne Drive
Barrie, ON
L4N 9Y4
416 318 7665

Appliance Repair, Microwave Repair, Stove Repair, Refrigerator Repair, Dishwasher Repair, Dryer Repair, Washing Machine Repair, Oven Repair, Microwave Service,Appliance Service, Stove Service, Refrigerator Service, Dishwasher Service, Dryer Service, Washing Machine Service, 24/7 Emergency Service


1 review

  1. great same day service

    great 5 stars service, highly recommended

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