Conray Dymond Truck Lines Limited

Conray Dymond Truck Lines Limited is a well-established transportation company located at 804 - 190 Golf Course Road, New Liskeard, ON, P0J 1P0. Known for our prompt and efficient services, we specialize in trucking, float service, and truckload transportation. Our mission is to provide the highest level of service to our clients, ensuring that their cargo arrives on time and in excellent condition. We are equipped with a versatile fleet of vehicles, enabling us to handle a wide array of transport requests, from small packages to full truckloads. Our team, led by Danny Desjardins, is composed of experienced and dedicated professionals who understand the intricacies of the transportation industry. We constantly strive to exceed client expectations, and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is unrivaled. Feel free to reach out to us at 705-648-3425 or via email at At Conray Dymond Truck Lines Limited, we believe in the power of efficient transportation and look forward to fulfilling your logistics needs.

Conray Dymond Truck Lines Limited
804 – 190 Golf Course Road
New Liskeard, ON
P0J 1P0
(705) 648-3425
(705) 647-5019

Trucking, Float Service, Transportation, Truckload, Fast Efficient Service,
Overdimensional transports, Flat Bed Transportation, Heavy Loads, Logistics

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